Sunday, February 28, 2010

Find a image that you can legally use

This photo is called, "Jayatii Laughing" used with permission via Creative Commons from Premasagars' Flickr Photostream.

One of my tasks this week was to find an image that I can legally use and explain how I know that I can legally use it.

This image came from www. I searched for the word, "laugh". The next page showed me many images. I clicked "Advanced Search" and ticked the boxes at the end of the search for "Creative Commons" and "Adapt and build on".

Once I found the image itself, I clicked on the link on the right called, "Some rights reserved". This link told me that I could copy and distribute this image legally.

Personally, I love the dynamic nature to information on the Internet. I freely post images, media and documents that I create for both work and personal uses and allow anyone to copy, distribute and alter it to their liking. I do this since I am a happy consumer of media on the Internet as well. So, I should be willing to share what I create in order to use freely the works of others.

Now, some things are off base with me. For instance, I do not share my quizzes freely with others for security reasons. If I create a tailored message to my students about their past activities in class, I keep this type of information in our classroom. Information about how my students are doing in class and any media that I create to comment on it is not for public consumption, in my opinion.


  1. so amy, do you share your pictures with CC on flickr? How 'bout slideshows?


  2. Good point about sharing quizzes Amy! I always try to keep things with my classes under the wraps, but some of the online links and texts I use are out in the open for everyone.

  3. One thing that drives me nuts about Flickr is that people sometimes don;t realize that the default license is "all rights reserved." So if you want to employ a share-and-share-alike CC license, you have to go in and change the settings for each batch you upload. GRRRRR...
