Sunday, February 21, 2010

Digg It?

I joined Digg today and "Digged" at least 10 stories posted on their home page. Once you "digg" it, its considered "dugg". Later, I can change my mind and "undigg" it. If you don't like something, you can "bury" it and then it disappears. I feel like I am having a flashback to the 70s with all of this "digging".

I joined this site over delicious since I didn't care to create a yahoo account in the process (I could have misunderstood this step.)

How would I describe digg to someone who has never used it? It's a social networking tool that allows you to collect listings of stories, videos and images that you like. Link our friends to your account and you can share what you like or have found recently with them. It's an interesting approach to an aggregator.

For me to love this site, I would need a lot more people that I know linked to my account. It's a nice place to find interesting links, but I believe the real power in this tool is in its linking of accounts. It reminds me of Netflix. I have several of my friends linked to my Netflix account. I can see what they are renting and their ratings. I use these links for suggestions on what to rent next.

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